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The Bleeding Edge

The Bleeding Edge (2018) is a Netflix documentary which examines the growing medical device industry.

It reveals how the race to innovate results in devastating consequences for patients.

The documentary brings to our attention the loopholes that allow medical devices to ride on studies that do not apply and lack in actual data. We are told that medications and devices undergo stringent testing to be considered “safe”, and that is no longer the case.

We encourage you to watch this film in order to educate yourselves.

This film could literally save lives.

Safety Precautions you should take before any Surgery:

  1. Know what is being placed in your body, and how long it is in the market.
  2. Research any device that will be used on or in you.
  3. Innovation or New is not necessarily better.
  4. Ask for second or even third opinion.
  5. Ask your surgeon how many times he’s performed the procedure you’re undergoing.
  6. Have family or friend act as your advocate while you’re incapacitated by surgery.
  7. Check if your doctor is paid by a medical device manufacturer.
  8. Your health is a profitable business for the Insurance company, Pharmaceutical company, Doctors, Hospitals and finally the Government.
  9. For you, your health is your Life…and you only have one.

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