Dr. Solomon S. Huebner is the “father of insurance education”. He taught the first course ever given in insurance, established the insurance department – and became the architect of the modern financial services industry.
Huebner wrote pioneering texts on various types of insurance, including life, property and marine – stressing honesty, professionalism, and expert knowledge. He established an insurance department at Wharton in 1913 where he taught until his retirement in 1953.
Huebner traveled the country to insurance meetings, fiercely advocating for industry change. He said “life insurance salesmanship must be given the status of a profession – a high calling,” compared it to the profession to law, medicine, and architect. Huebner originated the concept of Human Life Value (HLV). Thus, he made HLV the standard method of calculating insurance value and need.
Huebner revolutionized the industry with qualifying exams and required accreditations for national industry standards. He founded the American College of Life Underwriters (CLU) in 1927 and the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) in 1942.
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